2019-2020 Percussion Information:
2019-2020 Percussion Information:
why band?
5 Magical Things That Would Happen If Every Student Studied a Musical Instrument in School
March 31, 2015
In the next few weeks, schools all across our nation will have assemblies for their young students in order to introduce band and orchestra instruments available for them to study. Music shops will be coordinating visits, demos, and instrument "petting zoos"...
Student Performance:
The College Entrance Examination Board found that students involved in public school music programs scored 107 points higher on the SAT's than students with no participation.
- Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, The College Board, compiled by the Music Educators National Conference (2002)
In fact, the Texas Music Educators Association has found that students who are involved in All-State Band have consistently scored over 200 points higher than the national average.
U.S. Department of Education data on more than 25,000 secondary school students found that students who report consistent high levels of involvement in instrumental music over the middle and high school years show "significantly higher levels of mathematics proficiency by grade 12."
- U.S. Department of Education NELLS88 Database
Life Skills:
Arts involvement teaches children many skills necessary to succeed in life, including problem solving and decision making, building self-confidence and self-discipline, the ability to imagine what might be and to accept responsibility for it, teamwork, the development of informed perception, and articulating a vision.
Scientific Research:
A research team reports that early music training dramatically enhances children's abstract reasoning skills. These findings indicate that music uniquely enhances higher brain functions required for mathematics, chess, science, and engineering.
- From Neurological Research, Feb 28, 1997; Frances Rauscher, Ph.D, University of California, Irvine.
Ted Talk - lesson by Anita Collins, spoken by Alex Gendler.
20 Important Benefits of Music in
Our Schools
July 21, 2014
Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. But despite this almost universal interest, many schools are having to do away with their music education programs. This is a mistake, with schools losing not only an enjoyable subject, but a subject that can enrich students' lives and education...
"Why Music Matters" speech by Dr. Jack Stamp
Click here for the 'Joining Band' page.
Directly from: Music for All, Inc. (2010). Advocacy in Action: Quick Facts and Stats. Indianapolis, IN.